Theoretical Physics
- Light Matter Interaction (Koch, WiSe 08/09)
- Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Koch, WiSe 07/08)
- Group Theory (Kurth, SoSe 07)
- Quantum Computation (Koch/Harneit, SoSe 07)
- Computational Physics (Schakel, WiSe 06/07)
- Quantum Mechanics (Schakel, SoSe 05)
- Electrodynamics (Peschel, WiSe 05/06)
- Classical Mechanics / Electrodynamics (Hamprecht, SoSe 05 - WiSe 04/05)
Experimental Physics
- Solid State Physics (Weinelt, SoSe 06)
- Atoms and Molecules (Pascual, SoSe 06)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics / Quantumoptics (Stehlik, SoSe 05 - WiSe 05/06)
- Optics and Electrodynamics (Starke, WiSe 04/05)
- Classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Paggel, SoSe 04)
- BESSY (SoSe 07)
- Advanced Lab (WiSe 06/07)
- Beginner's Lab II (WiSe 05/06)
- Beginner's Lab I (SoSe 05)
Math and Computer Science
- Math for Physicists I-IV (Weimar-Woods, SoSe 04 - WiSe 05/06)
- Computer Science A+B (Kriegel, SoSe 04 - WiSe 04/05)
- Goedel's Theories (Tetens, SoSe 07)
- Theory Dynamics and Underdetermination (Tetens, WiSe 06/07)
- Introduction to Philosophy of Science (Betz, SoSe 06)