Here is a 16 color palette for XMGrace that looks significantly more pleasant than the default colors:
@map color 0 to (255, 255, 255), "white" @map color 1 to (0, 0, 0), "black" @map color 2 to (228, 26, 28), "red" @map color 3 to (55, 126, 184), "blue" @map color 4 to (77, 175, 74), "green" @map color 5 to (152, 78, 163), "purple" @map color 6 to (255, 127, 0), "orange" @map color 7 to (255, 255, 51), "yellow" @map color 8 to (166, 86, 40), "brown" @map color 9 to (247, 129, 191), "pink" @map color 10 to (153, 153, 153), "grey" @map color 11 to (166, 206, 227), "lightblue" @map color 12 to (178, 223, 138), "lightgreen" @map color 13 to (251, 154, 153), "lightred" @map color 14 to (253, 191, 111), "lightorange" @map color 15 to (202, 178, 214), "lightpurple"
The colors are vaguely based on on the Colorbrewer schemes. To use them, you
must open the agr
file in a text editor and replace the color map lines with
the ones above. You might also put them inside your