Review of Landau Zener Transitions
Self-Documenting (GNU) Makefiles
Recipe for Carbonated Cold-Brew Mate
Analytical Ramsey Scheme for a single TLS
The Analytical Solution of Rabi Cycling in the Two-Level-System
The "U.S. International - Scientific" Keyboard Layout
Generating Random Matrices with Normalized Spectral Ranges in Python and Julia
Showing a warning for the "latest" documentation on ReadTheDocs
Time Discretization in Quantum Optimal Control
Inter-Release Versioning Recommendations
Goodnotes Calendar and Agenda Templates
Editing LaTeX on the iPad with iVim
Custom template for converting jupyter notebooks to latex
Plotting the sparsity pattern of a matrix
Sympy Expression as graphical tree inside IPython notebook
Dissipator of a Two-Level-System as an Explicit Superoperator
Accessing a Jupyter notebook server through reverse port forwarding
Synchronizing an array over multiple MPI processes
Reasonably Secure Pair Programming
Extending Sphinx/Napoleon Docstring Sections
Calculating Expectation Values and Variances for Quantum Trajectories
A note on Python (class) attributes
Figure out unknown encoding of a unicode symbol
Use of the logging module in Python
Converting Word files to markdown
Guessing the Decomposition of the Transmon Hilbert Space
Decomposing Two-Qubit Hamiltonians into Pauli-Matrices
Finding the Closest Unitary for a Given Matrix
Reference implementation of the quicksort algorithm
Creating Publication-Ready EPS/PDF Files from Gnuplot
Combine PDF Chapters into an Ebook with LaTeX
Floating Point Numbers, Down to the Bit
Advanced Array-Passing in Fortran
Creating Combined tikz/png Plots
Accessing GMail through Python
Annotating LaTeX Lists with Flowchart symbols
Adding Local-File fields to BibDesk created BibTeX File
Converting an SVN repository to git
Printable Paper with LaTeX and TikZ
Vim Plugin for Completion of Fortran Structures
Creating an ISO image on MacOS X